Wednesday, 10 October 2007

A roundup of rather naff trips out of the sanitarium...

St Agnes.
My last trip to St. Agnes (for the foreseeable future at least) brought in nothing... so St. Agnes is well and truly done and dusted. I managed to spot the usual suspects; plenty of Stonechats, Wheatears and got some wonderful views of the Kestrel, but as I hoped for something special to round of my Agnes sessions, all I could see were my hopes drifting off down the side of the cliff and entering a rabbit from the rear end.

Someone decided that a Spoonbill had been seen there, who this mystery person is is a mystery; and so it seems is the whereabouts of this cutlery defined monster. The reports came in on Saturday (I think) and on Sunday. I was in Hayle babysitting at the time and had my bins ready to pop over, but ended up cooking breakfast for two hungover ladies of the night. So bugger me when I got home and found out the Spoon was in...
I went over today, chatted to a few twitchy folk, but nothing. Cornwall Birding (see links) don't have it listed as a sighting for today, but Birding in West Cornwall do...
My parents (having watched Natures Calender probably) have decided to come over and do a spot of birding at the estuary on Friday, so hopefully it may be back (or showing if not already popped off to spoon elsewhere).

The Saltings were full of the usual Geese, Curlews, Teals & the odd Wigeon (garganey anyone... never checked?), Egrets and water. Copperhouse was just as remarkably uneventful... and where were the Pintail? Do people hide these birds before I get there and simultaneously release a load of Herrings and Jackdaws in a vain attempt to keep me occupied?

One day I will report on something interesting, I promise.

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